Anti-Aging Properties of Carnosine, Life Extension Magazine article, September, 2022. Cites a recent journal article which discusses over 1,000 studies on the benefits of carnosine, including increased longevity, better brain health, improved glucose control and insulin sensitivity, and cardiovascular benefits.
Carnosine: A Longevity Factor, Life Extension Magazine article, June, 2012. Carnosine levels decline as we age. Evidence for the many benefits of carnosine for longevity, and for heart, brain and metabolic health.
Carnosine for Anti aging – Professional Supplement Review | National Nutrition Canada (3:07) Feb 21, 2017. Protects the heart and brain from free radicals. Helps reverse damage from atherosclerosis and dementia. Reduces inflammation. Antioxidant protection. Extends lifespan. 1000mg/day. L-carnosine for better absorption.
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